Thank you for purchasing Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger for Macintosh! This document contains information that did not make it into the printed documentation. The topics include:
Version 1.0.2 Release Notes - All of the changes and bug fixes in this version.
Maximizing Memory - How to increase the amount of available memory for Wing
Commander III.
Taking Advantage of More Memory - How to give Wing Commander III more memory.
Maximizing Performance - How to get the best performance out of Wing Commander
The system requirements say that a Level 2 cache card is required to run Wing Commander III. This is incorrect. The program does not check to see if you have a cache card. If you have a Power Macintosh 6100/60, we strongly recommend you have a cache card for best performance.
Version 1.0.2 Release Notes
Wing Commander III 1.0.2 fixes several problems that were discovered after the program was released. These problems are fixed:
Ñ On some computers, sound would play through only one speaker.
Ñ When an enemy missile locked on to you, a warning sound would play very softly. It is
much louder now.
Ñ Very rarely, if you were shot by an enemy just as you hit "Autopilot", the game would
not switch to autopilot. Instead, the ship would keep flying and you could not control it.
Ñ At the end of the winning game movie, you would have to click to see the credits.
Maximizing Memory
Wing Commander III requires a minimum of 5.2 megabytes of available memory to run. On some machines with 8 megabytes of memory, you may not have 5.2 megabytes of free memory. System Software, Control Panels, and Extensions can take up memory. Here is a list of the bare minimum Control Panels, Extensions, and Startup items needed to run Wing Commander III.
Control Panels
None, except for any Control Panel you may need for your joystick.
Apple CD-ROM (or other CD-ROM driver software).
PowerPC Finder Update.
Sound Manager (version 3.1).
Any Extension you may need for your joystick.
Startup items
None, except for any application you may need for your joystick.
Other Things
If you have a separate video card in your Power Macintosh (as opposed to the built-in video card), attach your monitor to it. The built-in video card can use up to 1 megabyte of memory. Attaching your monitor to the other video card will make this memory available to Wing Commander III (you will also get better performance).
Important! You must restart your computer after making any changes to gain the additional memory.
Memory Considerations
If you are running Wing Commander III with the minimum amount of memory (5.2 megabytes), some features may be limited because there is not enough memory. These include:
Ñ No music. You must have 5.7 megabytes of free memory for music.
Ñ No debris after destroying a ship. Large ships may just disappear when destroyed if there is not enough memory.
Ñ No sound during some communications. If there is not enough memory, you may only see the text of a message.
Taking Advantage of More Memory
Wing Commander III will take advantage of all available memory on your Macintosh. Giving Wing Commander III more memory will enable music, make the program run faster, and show higher quality graphics. To increase the amount of memory Wing Commander III gets, follow these steps:
1. First, determine how much memory is available on your Macintosh.
2. In the Finder, select About This Macintosh from the Apple menu. We recommend quitting all running programs before doing this.
3. Look at the number to the right of the words Largest Unused Block. This is how much memory your Macintosh has available to give to Wing Commander III. If you want to increase this number, see the section above called Maximizing Memory.
4. In the Finder, select the Wing Commander III program icon.
5. Choose Get Info from the File menu. This will bring up a window allowing you to set how much memory Wing Commander III gets.
6. Change the number in the Preferred Size box to the Largest Unused Block number MINUS 100. For example, if your Largest Unused Block is 5800K, set the Preferred Size box to 5700K. It is important to leave at least 100K of memory to your Macintosh or it may not function properly. Do not change the number in the Minimum Size box.
7. Close the window and run Wing Commander III.
Maximizing Performance
There are many factors that determine how fast Wing Commander III will play. The speed of your Macintosh is the most important factor but by changing many of the game options you may increase the performance.
Use QuickDraw (slower). Only check this option if you have graphics incompatibilities with Wing Commander III and your video card. We have not found any incompatibilities.
Screen Size (Spaceflight Graphics). Setting this to Low Res (doubled) will increase performance significantly. During spaceflight, -R will cycle through these settings.
Detail. Setting this to Some Textures will increase performance significantly. During spaceflight, -T will cycle through these settings.
Cockpit. Turning off the cockpit will increase performance (it will also give you more area to see). During spaceflight, the function key F1 will toggle the cockpit on and off.
Turning sound off will increase performance. Because sound adds so much to the game, this may not be a viable option.
Max. Sounds. Setting this to 8 (faster) will increase performance.
Turning music off will increase performance. Again, because music adds to the game, this also may not be a viable option.
Music Quality. Setting this to Good will increase performance a small amount.
Quit Other Programs. Selecting this option can increase performance. If you have several other programs running, they will take processor time away from Wing Commander III. This option will quit all running programs so that Wing Commander III will get as much processor time as possible. If you don't use this option, we recommend quitting all other running programs yourself.
Install Data Files. This is an option when you install Wing Commander III. If you have an extra 40 megabytes of space on your hard drive you should consider this option. Wing Commander III will access data much faster if it is on your hard drive rather than on your CD-ROM. This will speed up launching of the game, loading missions, and changing rooms in the Victory.
Still having trouble?
Please consult the Wing Commander III Install Guide for basic troubleshooting, or call Origin Customer Service at (512) 434-HELP for further assistance.